Torah Matters is a platform for scholarly resources that explore and support a pronomian (law-affirming) perspective in New Testament studies.
This site features a curated selection of books, articles, and dissertations. Whenever possible, I’ve provided direct links to open-access PDFs or versions made publicly available by the authors.
If you’re unable to access a specific book or article listed here, I recommend reaching out to your local library with the title. Many libraries offer inter-library loans, can email PDFs of academic papers, or arrange to have physical books delivered for you.
Please Note: While not all resources on this site are authored by scholars who personally adhere to pronomian theology or practice, each exegesis provided is consistent with and supports pronomian-friendly conclusions to varying degrees.
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Wilber, David. “Sabbath Observance in Luke-Acts: Situating the Earliest Followers of Jesus Within Judaism,” E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 11 no.3 (2025): 51–59.
Frostad, Benjamin. “He Made No Distinction: Gentiles and the Role of Torah in Acts 15.” Master’s Thesis, Briercrest Seminary, 2021.
Williams, Logan. “The Stomach Purifies All Foods: Jesus’ Anatomical Argument in Mark 7.18–19.” New Testament Studies. 2024; 70(3): 371-391.